Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Update 8/2/11 @ 11:08

Alan still remains on high pressure (PEEP of 16) and high oxygen (100%) on the respirator. The nurse told us this evening that the swelling he has is a normal side effect from the high pressure he is receiving from the respirator. It is called subcutaneous emphysema (Click here for more information) which is basically air under the skin. He said that as soon as they decrease the air pressure from 16 it should go away in 4-6 hours time. Alan remains off of the paralytic now. The charge nurses have seen the importance of maintaining the continuity of care with Alan, thus he will have the same nurses he has had before from here on out.


  1. Hang in there Alan. We are all rooting for you.

  2. We are following this blog closely and praying that Alan improves.

  3. Praying ever so diligently for the health and spiritual well being of Alan. I pray our Heavenly Father comforts him and heals him along with his family in this time of heavy burden and need. In the name of our Beloved Savior, Jesus Christ- The Lindley Family leaves these with you, Family of Alan and TO Alan. Much Love. Brother & Sister Lindley, Phu, Austin, and Nia Jewell, Too.
